An assessment of rural libraries and information services for rural development: A study of Delta State, Nigerialy works in the University Library


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    The Librarian as Information Scientist: A Comparative Review of Opinions and Constructs
    (Nigerbiblios, 2023) Odiachi, R; Urhefe-Okotie, E.A
    The salient contestation of the professional to be addressed as “information scientist” and the place of a “Librarian” in this global dispensation is a motivating ideology for this article. The article ontologically drew inferences from past and present opinions of authorities as regards the constructs/variables of the topic. Systematic Literature Review (SLR) research method was adopted for the study. The paper justified the place of librarian as the (an) “information scientist” as it comparatively analyzed the training curricular, functions, services, attitudes etc. of the librarian in tandem to other professions in the information management environment.
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    Essential Skill and Competency Needs For Employment and Marketability by Library and Information Science Professionals in The 21st Century
    (Global Review of Library and Information Science, 2023) Urhefe- Okotie, E.A; Odiachi, R.A
    The article highlights the skills and competencies needed by LIS professionals in effective marketing for job placement. Developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have its positive effect on the library landscape. It has transformed the LIS profession bringing in new tools, for accessing, processing and disseminating information and the adoption of new technologies in the discharge of their duties. The need for the development and acquisition of requisite skills and competency abilities, that enables an individual to act effectively in a job is discussed. The concepts of competence and skill were also explained. The paper outlines and discusses the professional skills and technological competencies necessary for LIS professionals and considers how these are acquired and developed to survive in an ever-changing technological environment and to meet the future challenges in the 21st century. The need for stakeholders to revisit the curriculum for uniformity and conformity to current needs for job marketability was also discussed, and based on the literature reviewed, recommendations was made.
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    Library Services as Determinants of Job Performance of Librarians in Federal Universities in South-South, Nigeria
    (Lafia Journal of Library and Information Science, 2023) Urhefe- Okotie, E.A; Ojeabulu, N
    The study investigated library services as determinants of job performance of librarians in Federal University libraries in South-South, Nigeria. Descriptive research design was used for the study. A total of four (4) research questions were raised to guide the study. The population of the study comprised (98) librarians in the six Federal universities spread across the six states of South-South, Nigeria. No sample was drawn due to the controllable size of the population. The instrument used for data collection was a researcher constructed questionnaire titled “Library Services as Determinants of Job Performance of Librarians Questionnaire (LSDJPQ)”. Data gotten from the study were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study reveals that the extent of job performance of librarians in Federal Universities in South-South is considerably low. It was also revealed in the study that, lack of interpersonal skills among staff, lack of adequate ICT facilities and poor funding among others have hindered effective service delivery of librarians. Recommendations were made based on the findings, the recommendations include that university, funding bodies, and agencies should all be fully committed to providing sufficient financing for the effective and smooth functioning of university libraries.
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    Usage of electronic information resources (EIRs) by undergraduate students of federal university of petroleum resources, Effurun
    (World Scientific, 2015) OGO, Emuejevoke Paul; Omosekejimi, Ademola Ferdinand; Eghworo, Obukowho Ruth
    This study is conducted to examine the usage of electronic information resources by undergraduate students at the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun’s library, Warri, Nigeria. 267 students in 200 level and above who used the library during the period of the study formed the population for the study. The survey research method was adopted for the study. A questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument. Frequency counts and simple percentages were used in analyzing the data collected. The study revealed that the use of electronic resources has tremendous impact on the academic performances of the undergraduate students of Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun; however, there is need for them to acquire more skills in the use of electronic resources.
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    Information communication technology: A catalyst for enhancing the role of libraries in the creation of an information society
    (Progressive Academic Publishing, 2015) OGO, Emuejevoke Paul; Eghworo, Obukowho Ruth; Ayomanor, Kenneth Ejiro
    The advances in ICTs have decisively changed the method of operation in the library and learning environment which has in turn transited into information society. This transition has metamorphosed the world today into a fast and massive transformation in social, cultural, political and economic terms. This transformation process affects almost all organizational structures. One of the structures that is affected of this process is the library with its culturally and socially organizational characteristics as they collect, preserve and disseminate the information and eventually aim to meet the information needs of the society trough massive adoption of ICT. The aim of this study is to examine how libraries adopt ICT in the creation of an information society and to give information on the status of the libraries in the information society.
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    Role of Nigerian libraries for sustainable educational system, information literacy and national development
    (Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research–National Institute Of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR–NIScPR), 2018-06) OGO, Emuejevoke Paul; Omeluzor, Saturday U.
    There is a growing concern in the minds of people on the relevance of the library in the 21st century. This paper critically addresses some of the key functions of the library in supporting education and improving information literacy of the people for national development in Nigeria. It further reiterates the importance of the library in the Nigerian educational system, and concludes that a nation may not be developed without a sustainable educational system and well stocked libraries to support information literacy, learning, teaching and research activities of the people.
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    Usage of Solar Inverter Technology as Alternative Energy Source: A Catalyst for Round the Clock Electronic Services in Nigerian University Libraries
    (Information Impact: Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 2021-12) OGO, Emuejevoke Paul; Omosekejimi, Ademola Ferdinand; Ebhonu, Sylvester Israel
    This study examines usage of solar-inverter technology as alternative energy source: a catalyst for round the clock electronic services in Nigerian university libraries. The total population for this study comprised three hundred and seventy one (371) librarians from 40 university libraries in South West, Nigeria. The data collected were analyzed using simple percentage/frequency counts and weighted mean. Findings from this study revealed among others that the extent of librarians’ awareness of solar inverter technology as alternative sources of energy in university libraries in South West, Nigeria is very high; electronic reference service, online interlibrary loan service, online cataloguing and classification service, OPAC service, online current awareness service, electronic indexing and abstracting service, online selective dissemination of information service, e-mail service, electronic charging and discharging service among others are types of electronic services that can be provided round the clock in university libraries in South West, Nigerian using solar-inverter energy as alternative energy source and that the extent to which solar-inverter energy can be used as alternative energy source to power ICT equipments for electronic services in university libraries in South West, Nigeria is high among other findings. Recommendations made based on the findings of the study include: University library management should make it a point of duty and also take it as priority to allocate fund for the acquisition and installation of solar-inverter technology as this will help them fulfil the library goal of rendering round the clock electronic library services to their users among others.
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    Rejuvenating academic libraries for effective service delivery in the post Covid-19 era
    (Library Philosophy and Practice, 2022) OGO, Emuejevoke Paul; Nweke, Angela Chiwendu; Omosekejimi, Ademola Ferdinand
    This study focused on rejuvenating academic libraries for effective service delivery in the post COVID 19 era. The offering of online services in academic libraries has received attention as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, with higher educational institutions all across the world adopting this development as the "new normal." The pandemic has posed several difficulties for most universities and its academic libraries, particularly for those with weaker online presence. It however sparked transformation and a re-evaluation of priorities; providing a new purpose for academic libraries that provide information services 24 hours a day. This mission focuses on access and connectivity to resources. Hence academic libraries need to be rejuvenated and prepared if they must be able to cope with the demands of the users who are now more comfortable with online/virtual library services. This study therefore reviewed literature on overview of COVID 19, overview of academic library services in Nigeria, academic library service in the post COVID 19 era, strategies for rejuvenating academic libraries for effective service delivery in the post COVID 19 era, importance of rejuvenating academic libraries for service delivery in the post COVID 19 era, as well as factors inhibiting academic libraries rejuvenation. The researchers used Google and other search engines to access scholarly articles from databases that are open access and are relevant to the study which formed the basis for the literature that was reviewed and from where conclusions were drawn.
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    Information Needs and Seeking Behaviour of Final Year Students of a Specialized University in Nigeria
    (Information Impact: Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 2024) Ogo, Emuejevoke Paul; Uchendu, Benedicta Okechukwu
    This study examined the information needs and seeking behaviour of final-year students of the Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun (FUPRE), Nigeria. The study seeks to identify their information needs, the purpose for which they seek information, sources of information consulted and challenges faced when seeking information. It employed the use of descriptive survey research design. The total population for this study is 1642, comprising all final-year students of FUPRE in the 2022/2023 academic session. The purposive sampling technique was used, where 50% of the entire population was selected giving a sample size of 821. A questionnaire was used to elicit data from the respondents, while simple percentage and frequency counts were used to analyze the data generated. The findings suggest that final-year students majorly seek information related to academic development/course work, project writing/defense, job-related information, and business/wealth creation. It also revealed that class assignments, examinations, project writing, self-development, and health-related reasons are the purposes they seek information. The major sources of information they consult are Google, other search engines, lecture notes, friends, and colleagues. However, the study identifies an uncomfortable library environment, lack of internet access in the library, too much information to deal with, lack of time, and poor facilities in the library as the major challenges they face while seeking information. It is therefore recommended that the university should provide an enabling environment for the students to access and use the library services as well as an internet connection to access a wide range of resources.
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    (University of Nebraska - Lincoln University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2020) Omosekejimi, Ademola Ferdinand; Oyovwe-Tinuoye, Gloria Ogheneghatowho
    This study is focused on exploring the COVID-19 information-seeking behavior of Nigerian health practitioners using medical doctors in Delta State Nigeria as a case study. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Four objectives were laid down for the study and a structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents. The findings revealed that the COVID-19 information needs of medical doctors in Delta state in the top rank are causes of COVID 19 virus, COVID-19 symptoms, COVID-19 test procedures, how COVID-19 spread/transmission levels, COVID-19 preventive measures, COVID-19 cures, age groups more vulnerable to COVID 19 attack, COVID 19 patients’ isolation/quarantine procedures among others. The study indicates that the sources of COVID-19 information for the respondents are the Internet, the World Health Organization (WHO) website, Daily newspapers, the Nigerian Centre for Diseases Control (NCDC) website, Network News, and colleagues (medical doctors) from other states. The study revealed that the major use of COVID-19 information by respondents was to identify COVID-19 symptoms; know the isolation/quarantine procedure and practice for COVID-19 patients; know COVID-19 treatment procedures and know the drug dosage for the treatment of COVID-19 patients among other. It is clear from the study that the large amount of COVID-19 incredible information on the Internet; lack of access to library resources on COVID 19; poor power supply in Delta state and too many sources of COVID-19 information were the barriers to information COVID-19 information-seeking and access among the medical doctors in Delta state. Recommendations were put forward to enhance access to COVID-19 information by medical doctors in Delta State to prepare adequately for the treatment of any patient should the case arise.
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    Training and Retraining: A Catalyst for Retooling 21st Century Librarians for Effective Information Service Delivery in Academic Libraries in South South, Nigeria
    (2019) Omosekejimi, Ademola Ferdinand; Eyaufe, Omamomo O.; Nwobu, Benjamin Kenechukwu.; Nweke, Angela Chiwendu.
    This study examines training and retraining: a catalyst for retooling 21st Century librarians for effective information service deliver in academic libraries in South-south, Nigeria. The total population for this study comprises of 235 (Two hundred and thirty five) librarians working in State, Federal and Private university libraries in South-south, Nigeria. The entire population of the study was sampled using total enumeration sampling technique because of the small and manageable size of the population. Findings from this study revealed that the service rendered in full capacity to users by librarians in university libraries in South-south, Nigeria in this 21st Century are e-library service, e-mail service, e-reference service, selective dissemination of information service via social media networks, printing and photocopying service, online referral service and Internet service among others; that the librarians working in academic libraries in the South-south, region of Nigeria needs training in librarianship in the area of e-library service, e-mail Service, e-reference service, OPAC service, selective dissemination of Information on social media networks, digitization services, that training and retraining of librarian working in university libraries in the South-south region of Nigeria will lead to effective service delivery in the library, timely service delivery in the library, error free information services for library users, user satisfaction with library services and resources, easy access to library resources for library users, development of positive attitude to work among librarians. Recommendations were made based on the findings of the study which include: University library management should support the training and retraining of their librarians through TETFUND and other sources to ensure that their libraries are equipped with capable librarians who can function effectively in the face of the 21st Century information demands of the library users among others.
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    Undergraduate Students’ Awareness and Compliance to Library Rules and Regulations in a Nigerian University.
    (, 2015) Omosekejimi, Ademola Ferdinand; Ojeme, Thelma Nneka; Eghworo, Obukowho Ruth
    The study investigated undergraduate student’s awareness and compliance to library rules and regulations in Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun. The objectives of the study were to find out the awareness/alertness of the undergraduates to the rules and regulations in university libraries, the categories of rules and regulations, the compliance level of the undergraduate students to the existing rules and regulations, the effects of the rules and regulations on library usage as wells as sanctions for defaulting the library rules and regulations. The study adopted a descriptive survey design and random sampling technique was used to select two hundred and twenty respondents in FUPRE university library. Questionnaire was used for data collection while descriptive statistics was used in analyzing the data. The undergraduate students in FUPRE are aware of the rules and regulations in the university libraries and they comply with them very often. The study therefore recommends that: more awareness programmes on the rules and regulations should be created in the university libraries, users should be educated on the need to always comply with the library rules and regulations, stricter measures should be put in place to sanction or penalize any defaulter of library rules and regulations as this will further ensure compliance to the rules and regulations.
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    Librarians’ Awareness, Positive Attitude and ICT Skills: A Panacea for Effective Services Delivery in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4th IR) Era in Academic Libraries in Southern Nigeria
    (Library Progress (International), 2020) Akparobore, Daniel; Omosekejimi, Ademola Ferdinand; Nweke, Angela Chiwendu
    This study examined librarians’ awareness, positive attitude and ICT skills as panacea for effective services delivery in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4th IR) era in academic libraries in Southern Nigeria. The total population for this study was eight hundred and forty-one (841) librarians from 84 university libraries in Southern Nigeria. The entire population was sample using total enumeration sampling technique because of the manageable size of population. Questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. The data collected for this study was analyzed using simple percentage/frequency counts and weighed mean. Findings from this study revealed that the extent of librarians awareness of the technological innovations associated with the 4th IR era is low. Also, it was shown that if librarians exhibit positive attitude towards embracing the 4th IR era technological advancement, they will be able to: Adapt to changing technologies associated with the 4th IR; Accept the shift from conventional service delivery to WWW based service delivery among others. Also, being in possessions of good ICT skills by librarians will to a very high extent facilitate effective library services delivery in the 4th IR era. The following were suggested to improve on librarians attitude to technological innovations of the 4th IR era and the acquisition of ICT skills among librarians: Librarians should develop flair for technological innovations which will help to activate in them the positive attitude required to effectively utilize the sophisticated technology associated with the 4th IR era and libraries/librarians should also abreast itself with the latest technologies to provide optimal services in minimum time through training, seminars, conferences and acquire and update the necessary ICT skills that is required to remain relevant in the 4th IR era and the accompanying changes it has brought to the educational sector and the library in particular.
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    ICT and Digital Literacy Skills: a Mechanism for Efficient Teaching in Nigerian Colleges of Education
    (Information Impact, 2018) Omosekejimi, Ademola Ferninand; Brume-Ezewu, Steven; Brume-Ezewu, Ejiro Gloria; Nwobu, Benjamin Kenechukwu; Nweke, Angela Chinwendu
    This study examines information communication technology (ICT) and digital literacy skills as mechanisms for effective teaching in Nigerian colleges of education. The total population for this study comprises 1,500 lecturers in four colleges of education in South West, Nigeria. 10% was drawn from the total population using a random sampling technique giving a total of 150 which form the sample size for the study. A questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. Findings from this study revealed among others that ICT and digital literacy skills when applied will to a very large extent be a tool for an efficient teaching aid for lecturers in colleges of education in Nigeria, that computers, printers, photocopiers, projectors, interactive whiteboards/electronic notice board, internet facility, and CD Rom will to a very large extent serve as ICT tools that can be used for effective teaching. This study also revealed that most of the lecturers in colleges of education in Nigeria are not proficient in the use of PowerPoint, Excel, and spreadsheets, and cannot apply computers to solve real-life academic problems etc. Recommendations were put forward to enhance the use of ICT for efficient teaching in Nigerian colleges of education.
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    Rural Women and their Information Seeking Behavior
    (University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2016) Ijiekhuamhen, Osaze Patrick; Omosekejimi, Ademola Ferdinand
    This study is focused at exploring the information seeking behaviour of the women in rural areas. The study adopted a survey design. Four objectives were laid down for the study and a structured interview and questionnaire was used to bring out information from respondents. The findings showed that among the 294 respondents, 41% of them are 31-40 years of age, 24% of the respondents are below 30 years of age, 18% are between the ages of 41-50 years of age among others. The study also revealed majority of the women have secondary school education with 44% of them admitting that they are secondary school certificate holder. The study shows that the information needs of rural women in the top rank are occupational related with 85% of respondents, child care and family relationship with 64% of respondents. The study clearly indicates that the major source of information for the respondents is friends and family members with 95% of the respondents attesting to that, another 75% of the respondents indicated age groups as their source of information. The study revealed that the major use of information by respondents was to improve their Occupation with 91% of respondents, to care for children and run the family with 78% of respondents. It is clear from the study that no library resources is the major barrier to the access of information by respondents with 98%, illiteracy with 76% of respondents, language barriers with 66% respondents, among others. Recommendations were put forward to enhance access to information by women in the rural areas.
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    Leadership qualities and style: a panacea for job productivity and effective service delivery among library staff in academic libraries in South South, Nigeria.
    (2020-07-16) Akparobore, Daniel.; Omosekejimi, Ademola Ferdinand.
    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine leadership qualities and style as panacea for job productivity and effective service delivery among library staff members in academic libraries in Nigeria. This study will help to ascertain the leadership style that is mostly adopted by university library management staff members in university libraries in South-South, Nigeria, ascertain the type of leadership style that can be adopted by library management to attain productivity and effective service delivery among staff members in university libraries in South-South, Nigeria and identify the leadership qualities that allows for productivity and effectiveness of staff members in university libraries in South-South, Nigeria among others. Design/methodology/approach – A descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study. The target population for this study comprises 672 library staff members from 23 university libraries across the South-South region of Nigeria. Total enumeration sampling technique was used to sample the entire population. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire. A total of 672 copies of the questionnaire were administered and total of 623 were duly completed and found useable, therefore there was 93% response rate. The data collected for this study was analyzed using simple percentage/frequency counts and weighed mean. Findings – Finding from the study revealed that the leadership style mostly adopted and practiced by the staff members at the management level in academic libraries in South South, Nigeria is the autocratic type of leadership. Also, Almost all library staff members in academic libraries in South South, Nigeria upholds the view that democratic type of leadership, if practiced by staff members at the management level in academic libraries will allow for maximum job productivity and effectiveness among library staff members, that commitment and passion for their job, excellent communication skills, good decision-making skill, delegation of authority/subordinate empowerment among others are qualities a good leader. Originality/value –This submission is a work by the researcher and to the best of the researcher’s knowledge contains no materials previously published or written by another person.
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    Library and Information Resources' Security: Traditional and Electronic Security Measures.
    (Progressive Academic Publishing, UK., 2015) Omosekejimi, Ademola Ferdinand.; Ijiekhuamhen, Osaze Patrick.; Ojeme, Thelma Nneka.
    The security of information/knowledge is essential to its effective exploitation or use. As knowledge expands, the need to organize it and to provide adequate security becomes more pressing. This study describes how the information bearing materials of the library can be secured using traditional and electronic measures. Literature were reviewed on the concept of information resources security, features of a good security measures (traditional and electronic), Securing the library resources traditionally, securing the library using telecommunication, benefits of securing the library resources, problems associated with the use of electronic security system in the library, and ways of solving problems with the use of electronic security system in the library.
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    Usage of Electronic Information Resources (EIRs) by Undergraduate Students of Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun.
    (, 2015) Omosekejimi, Ademola Ferdinand.; Eghworo, Obukowho Ruth.; Ogo, Emuejevoke Paul.
    This study is conducted to examine the usage of electronic information resources by undergraduate students at the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun’s library, Warri, Nigeria. 267 students in 200 level and above who used the library during the period of the study formed the population for the study. The survey research method was adopted for the study. A questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument. Frequency counts and simple percentages were used in analyzing the data collected. The study revealed that the use of electronic resources has tremendous impact on the academic performances of the undergraduate students of Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun; however, there is need for them to acquire more skills in the use of electronic resources.
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    Assess Users’ Satisfaction on Academic Library Performance: A Study.
    (Progressive Academic Publishing, UK, 2015) Ijiekhuamhen, Osaze Patrick; Aghojare, Blessing; Omosekejimi, Ademola Ferdinand
    This study quantifies user’s satisfaction on academic library performance by determine the clients satisfaction with library services, infrastructure/place/space and collection/information provided by an academic library in Federal University of Petroleum Resources, (FUPRE) Library. The study sample population comprised 381 students of the university. The instrument used for data collection in this study was questionnaire. Research questions were answered using frequency, bar charts, tables and percentages for easy interpretation. The major findings of the study revealed that the respondents were highly satisfied with the library services, infrastructure/place/space, and collection/information of the library as a whole. Also, the study reveals that, many of the respondents visit the library for more than one reason whereas the largest proportion of the respondents goes to library due to the availability of internet connectivity in the library. The respondents were suggests that, library should stay open longer, Increase internet bandwidth, library should publish a guide on information searching skills, library should provide the latest collection, some were of opinion that library should publish index and bibliographies, provision of guidance on consultation and research method, library should organize workshop on how to find information, staff should be more friendly and knowledgeable among others.