ICT and Digital Literacy Skills: a Mechanism for Efficient Teaching in Nigerian Colleges of Education

This study examines information communication technology (ICT) and digital literacy skills as mechanisms for effective teaching in Nigerian colleges of education. The total population for this study comprises 1,500 lecturers in four colleges of education in South West, Nigeria. 10% was drawn from the total population using a random sampling technique giving a total of 150 which form the sample size for the study. A questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. Findings from this study revealed among others that ICT and digital literacy skills when applied will to a very large extent be a tool for an efficient teaching aid for lecturers in colleges of education in Nigeria, that computers, printers, photocopiers, projectors, interactive whiteboards/electronic notice board, internet facility, and CD Rom will to a very large extent serve as ICT tools that can be used for effective teaching. This study also revealed that most of the lecturers in colleges of education in Nigeria are not proficient in the use of PowerPoint, Excel, and spreadsheets, and cannot apply computers to solve real-life academic problems etc. Recommendations were put forward to enhance the use of ICT for efficient teaching in Nigerian colleges of education.
Library and Information Science Article
Information Impact: Journal of information and knowledge management, 2018, Vol. 9 (3) Pg. 57-71 ISSN: 2141 – 4297 (print) ISSN: 2360 – 994X (e-version)