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The Librarian as Information Scientist: A Comparative Review of Opinions and Constructs
(Nigerbiblios, 2023) Odiachi, R; Urhefe-Okotie, E.A
The salient contestation of the professional to be addressed as “information scientist” and the place of a “Librarian” in this global dispensation is a motivating ideology for this article. The article ontologically drew inferences from past and present opinions of authorities as regards the constructs/variables of the topic. Systematic Literature Review (SLR) research method was adopted for the study. The paper justified the place of librarian as the (an) “information scientist” as it comparatively analyzed the training curricular, functions, services, attitudes etc. of the librarian in tandem to other professions in the information management environment.
Essential Skill and Competency Needs For Employment and Marketability by Library and Information Science Professionals in The 21st Century
(Global Review of Library and Information Science, 2023) Urhefe- Okotie, E.A; Odiachi, R.A
The article highlights the skills and competencies needed by LIS professionals in effective marketing for job placement. Developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have its positive effect on the library landscape. It has transformed the LIS profession bringing in new tools, for accessing, processing and disseminating information and the adoption of new technologies in the discharge of their duties. The need for the development and acquisition of requisite skills and competency abilities, that enables an individual to act effectively in a job is discussed. The concepts of competence and skill were also explained. The paper outlines and discusses the professional skills and technological competencies necessary for LIS professionals and considers how these are acquired and developed to survive in an ever-changing technological environment and to meet the future challenges in the 21st century. The need for stakeholders to revisit the curriculum for uniformity and conformity to current needs for job marketability was also discussed, and based on the literature reviewed, recommendations was made.
Library Services as Determinants of Job Performance of Librarians in Federal Universities in South-South, Nigeria
(Lafia Journal of Library and Information Science, 2023) Urhefe- Okotie, E.A; Ojeabulu, N
The study investigated library services as determinants of job performance of librarians in Federal University libraries in South-South, Nigeria. Descriptive research design was used for the study. A total of four (4) research questions were raised to guide the study. The population of the study comprised (98) librarians in the six Federal universities spread across the six states of South-South, Nigeria. No sample was drawn due to the controllable size of the population. The instrument used for data collection was a researcher constructed questionnaire titled “Library Services as Determinants of Job Performance of Librarians Questionnaire (LSDJPQ)”. Data gotten from the study were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study reveals that the extent of job performance of librarians in Federal Universities in South-South is considerably low. It was also revealed in the study that, lack of interpersonal skills among staff, lack of adequate ICT facilities and poor funding among others have hindered effective service delivery of librarians. Recommendations were made based on the findings, the recommendations include that university, funding bodies, and agencies should all be fully committed to providing sufficient financing for the effective and smooth functioning of university libraries.
Usage of electronic information resources (EIRs) by undergraduate students of federal university of petroleum resources, Effurun
(World Scientific, 2015) OGO, Emuejevoke Paul; Omosekejimi, Ademola Ferdinand; Eghworo, Obukowho Ruth
This study is conducted to examine the usage of electronic information resources by undergraduate students at the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun’s library, Warri, Nigeria. 267 students in 200 level and above who used the library during the period of the study formed the population for the study. The survey research method was adopted for the study. A questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument. Frequency counts and simple percentages were used in analyzing the data collected. The study revealed that the use of electronic resources has tremendous impact on the academic performances of the undergraduate students of Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun; however, there is need for them to acquire more skills in the use of electronic resources.
Information communication technology: A catalyst for enhancing the role of libraries in the creation of an information society
(Progressive Academic Publishing, 2015) OGO, Emuejevoke Paul; Eghworo, Obukowho Ruth; Ayomanor, Kenneth Ejiro
The advances in ICTs have decisively changed the method of operation in the library and learning environment which has in turn transited into information society. This transition has metamorphosed the world today into a fast and massive transformation in social, cultural, political and economic terms. This transformation process affects almost all organizational structures. One of the structures that is affected of this process is the library with its culturally and socially organizational characteristics as they collect, preserve and disseminate the information and eventually aim to meet the information needs of the society trough massive adoption of ICT. The aim of this study is to examine how libraries adopt ICT in the creation of an information society and to give information on the status of the libraries in the information society.