Odiachi, RUrhefe-Okotie, E.A2024-09-102024-09-102023Odiachi, R., & Urhefe-Okotie, E.A. (2023). The Librarian as Information Scientist: A Comparative Review of Opinions and Constructs. Journal of the National Library, 33(1), 1-14.https://repository.fupre.edu.ng/handle/123456789/109Journal ArticleThe salient contestation of the professional to be addressed as “information scientist” and the place of a “Librarian” in this global dispensation is a motivating ideology for this article. The article ontologically drew inferences from past and present opinions of authorities as regards the constructs/variables of the topic. Systematic Literature Review (SLR) research method was adopted for the study. The paper justified the place of librarian as the (an) “information scientist” as it comparatively analyzed the training curricular, functions, services, attitudes etc. of the librarian in tandem to other professions in the information management environment.enThe Librarian as Information Scientist: A Comparative Review of Opinions and ConstructsArticle