Godall RohiO'tega EjofodomiGodswill Ofualagba2024-04-182024-04-1820202405-8440https://www.cell.com/heliyon/pdf/S2405-8440(20)30097-9.pdfhttps://repository.fupre.edu.ng/handle/123456789/53Journal ArticleThe effect of air pollution on the environment, economic and health of the people in the affected countries cannot be overemphasized. This paper investigates large scale air pollution elimination to remove pollutants that are already in existence in the environment. This method involves the use of Environmental Drones (E-drones) to autonomously monitor the air quality at a specific location. The E-drone flies up to a predetermined height (Ealtitude) every hour, measures the air pollutants at that location, implements on-board pollution abatement solutions for pollutants above the recommended threshold, and then flies back down to its location on the ground. The advantages of this system is its ability to measure air pollution concentration of CO2, CO, NH3, SO2, PM, O3 and NO2, detect when they are too high, and implement on-board pollution abatement solutions as needed. This system's novelty lies in the fact that it not only detects when there is excessive pollution, but it also automatically deals with and abates the detected air pollution above earth. When multiple E-drones are used in different locations, a custom software generates an Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) map of the region that can be used for present and long-term environmental analysis.enAutonomous monitoring, analysis, and countering of air pollution using environmental dronesArticle